If you are using backtrack 5 and having some problems like sound problem, social media software problem, software manager problem and so many more. Some of the blog readers has send a request about these things, if you have used Ubuntu than you must have an idea about tweaks and software manager in Ubuntu. How easy and user friendly Ubuntu is, for backtrack5 you can also do all these stuffs because it is based on Ubuntu. For this tutorial I am using backtrack5 GNOME based, so below are the some tips to make your bt5 as a desktop operating system that contain all the necessary tools and software's.

1. Movie/Video player for Gnome
There are different programs are available for GNOME based distribution among them totem media player for Linux is the best open terminal and type.
           sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer
 2.  Team viewer

Team viewer is the best software for desktop sharing and its available for windows and Linux, go to the official website and download a copy than open the terminal and locate the directory than type.
          sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_linux.deb
3.Zip & Unzip for Linux

If you want to run zip files and having some problem with it than you must install zip and unzip for Linux, open the terminal and type
          sudo apt-get install zip
4. Empathy Chat Client for Linux

You are a social kind of person and want to connect with people via chat than you must install empathy because it provides best chat platform on the single place, open terminal and type  
                sudo apt-get install empathy
5. PDF Reader for Linux

You can install adobe reader in Linux but there is another software available to read the pdf file and its Foxit reader, download it from official website and on the terminal locate the directory than type
                         sudo dpkg -i FoxitReader_1.1.0_i386.deb
6.Office for Linux

Openoffice is the best solution for office users on open source platform get it by using the command
                        sudo apt-get install openoffice.org
 7.Software Manager for Linux

Software manager is the right place to search and get the right open source software if your Linux does not have software manager than you must install kate for it on the terminal.
                           apt-get install kate
8.Firewall for Linux
Have you ever checked your ports by using nmap? if no than you are in dark, open ports are the weakest point of the system security you must close your ports for closing the ports in Linux use Firewall, Firestarter firewall is the best get it via  
                    sudo apt-get install firestarter
9.Gwibber Social Media Client
Social media including twitter, facebook and more are now become more power full and successful so if you want use all these social networking website in a single place than get gwibber. 
                    sudo apt-get install gwibber
10.FTP Client for Linux
FTP (File transfer protocol) is an important protocol for transferring the large files, if you want to connect to any server via FTP than you must have gFTP like client get it.
                             sudo apt-get install gftp 
11.If you are experiencing sound and voice problem is backtrack 5 (ubuntu) Linux than you must care about codec and other restrictions of Ubuntu.
                    sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
             sudo apt-get install w32codecs
             sudo apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss2
12.How to Update & Upgrade Linux
It is a better policy to update all the software's and packages on frequently to avoid any kind of exploitation, well for complete Linux up-gradation use  
                           sudo apt-get upgrade
13.While for updating all the software's and packages use 
                         sudo apt-get update 

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