If you're an Exchange administrator, you have probably heard about the issues caused by Apple's iOS 6.1 on Exchange servers. It seems that screwy calendar code in iOS 6.1 ends up generating tons of transaction logs in Exchange, and can bring CAS servers to its knees.
As an aside, its rather timely that this has come up just after the new Blackberry 10 came out. Coincidence?????? Heh.
The temporary workarounds that MS recommends were to either apply a throttling policy to affected users, or block iOS 6.1 devices completely. Since an all-out block is generally a Bad Thing, throttling policy is the way to go. However, determining who is using iOS 6.1 and applying a throttling policy to them was not provided.
A company I do work for experienced the exact issue. Exchange transaction logs were being generated at a prodigious rate. So, rather than blocking them, we went the throttling route. First, I created a throttling policy called iOS61 and set the ActiveSync throttling to the lowest recommended values:
New-ThrottlingPolicy -Name iOS61 -EASPercentTimeInCAS 10 -EASPercentTimeInAD 10 -EASPercentTimeInMailboxRPC 10Then, I created a short Powershell script to apply the policy to any user with a device using iOS 6.1:
$DeviceList = Get-ActiveSyncDevice -ResultSize Unlimited | Where {$_.DeviceOS -match "iOS 6.1"}The script will likely throw up some warnings about completing the command but not making any changes. This happens because users may have more than one device, and the script tries to update the mailbox for every device it finds. Nothing to be alarmed about.
foreach ($Device in $DeviceList)
$DeviceDN = $Device.DistinguishedName
Set-Mailbox $MBName -ThrottlingPolicy iOS61
Quick and dirty, but gets the job done.
Once Apple comes up with a solution, you can remove the throttling policy like this (assumes the users didn't have a throttling policy before this whole debacle):
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Where {$_.ThrottlingPolicy -eq 'iOS61'} | Set-Mailbox -ThrottlingPolicy $NULL
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