You are welcome to my tips and tricks blog. This time, I want to share an interesting trick with you. This trick is about how you can add your name to the right click application menu of your computer. I’m sure you understand what I mean. In essence, when you right click on your computer desktop, you get some options like: VIEW, SORT BY, REFRESH, NEW and so on, with this registry trick, you’ll be able to include your name in the list of the options. That sounds impossible and interesting, right? Let’s go there! Before taking you into the details, I wanna assure you that I have tried this registry trick and it worked for me, but trying this on your computer will be at your own risk. To add your name to the right click menu of your computer application menu, simply copy the following registry code into notepad and save it with anything you like dot reg. for example, I saved mine with ayz.reg before installed it. I hope you understand that? Now the code:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor] @="Enter your name here"

Now replace the ‘Enter your name here’ don’t delete the double quotes. with your name and don’t forget to save the code with .reg extension like I said earlier. I’ll suggest you save it on your desktop. Now that you’ve saved the code, double click on it on your desktop and install it. Once installed, you’re done! Once you right click, your name will be included in the list of options. Now that you’ve known how to include your name in the right click application menu, be generous by sharing it with others by using any of the sharing tools below. In one of my future posts, I’ll show you how to include any application of your choice in the right click menu. Till then…

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